Friday, July 24, 2009

Work from home job or business?

Most people that I have talked to want a work from home job. Something they can do from home and collect a paycheck. The only problem is that these are few and far between. I see ads all the time for "Typing Job at Home" and not a single one of them have actually been a job. In fact most of them were a scam wanting me to re post an ad much like the one I responded to. Several of these "jobs" wanted me to pay a membership or list fee to be able to work for them. See where this is going? A job will NEVER ask you to give them money. Period. If any job asks you to pay them for a membership, list, software etc., I can pretty much guarantee you it is a scam and you should run the other way...FAST! There are companies that will pay you to do work from home for answering phone calls, etc. We will touch base on those in another post.

The most common at home incomes are from home businesses. There are a lot of them out there to pick from . Here are just a few examples of at home party businesses (also called direct sales).

Candle Parties
Adult Parties
Book Parties
Scrapbook Parties

There are also "Consultant" businesses which may or may not have parties depending on the consultants desire to do so. Cosmetics or Beauty supply companies often have websites that you can order straight from . (Mary Kay, Avon and a ton of new Mineral Makeup companies.)

The one thing to keep in mind when it comes to a business is that there is usually an investment to get you started. This will sometimes cover your catalogs, bags, forms, and sometimes inventory. You need to make sure that you have all information about fees that you will continue to incur, such as website fees etc. Commissions for home business that you are a consultant for can range from 10% up. The most I have seen personally is 55% commission. One thing that these types of businesses encourage is building a team or "down line" in which you make money off of the person you sign up. You can then also make money on your "Second down line" which are people that signed up under the person that you signed up.

The one type of business that I stay clear of are the ones that immediately want names and contact info for all of your friends and family. I once spoke with a wellness company that wanted me to rep for them, and I was turned off the second I was asked to give info for my family and friends. I also have found that some companies want you to personally spend a certain amount of money each month on their products for your own personal use. If you don't buy their products you cannot be a consultant for them.

I would strongly encourage if not demand that everyone really check out the company that they are looking at becoming a Rep for. Read the fine print, ask as many questions as possible and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

There are a lot of great companies that you can rep for. I have been a rep for a few myself. I was able to set my own hours, schedule parties when I wanted to and I made great money. It was a lot of work, but you will never make money if you don't put forth a real effort.

I will touch base on starting your own business not affiliated with another company in another post.

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